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Health Tips

According to the American Cancer Society, there are now about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors living in the United States. Breast cancer occurs primarily in women, but men can also develop breast cancer. Although men have less breast tissue than women, they do have breast cells that can undergo cancerous changes. Male breast cancer makes up less than 1 percent of all cases of breast cancer, and is usually detected in men between 60 and 70 years of age.


It is important to see a doctor if any of the following changes to the breasts is noticed:

  • A lump or swelling in the chest area
  • Dimpled or puckered skin
  • A nipple that is inverted (facing inward)
  • Redness or scaling of the nipple or breast skin
  • Discharge from the nipple

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) has developed a Web site with many resources for you and your loved ones that will enable you to take an active role in your own treatment, including informational brochures and flyers and links to videos and other important resources.

National Cholesterol Education Month

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, a good time to get your blood cholesterol checked and take steps to lower it if it is high. National Cholesterol Education Month is also a good time to learn about lipid profiles and about food and lifestyle choices that help you reach personal cholesterol goals.

High blood cholesterol affects over 65 million Americans. It is a serious condition that increases your risk for heart disease. The higher your cholesterol level, the greater the risk. You can have high cholesterol and not know it. Lowering cholesterol levels that are too high lessens your risk for developing heart disease and reduces the chance of having a heart attack or dying of heart disease. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute offers helpful resources to use during National Cholesterol Education Month.

Take time to read about High Blood Cholesterol and what you need to know...

Anyone can have a stroke, and 80% of strokes can be prevented! The lightning bolt is the universal symbol of stroke. Stroke happens that fast and that unexpectedly. There are lighting strikes in the form of a stroke happening around the world at least once per minute. Millions of people have suffered this disability and many of them do not have the benefit of a stroke support group. Please click on the link below to learn more about stroke prevention, symptoms, risks, care and support.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In 2010, an estimated 785,000 Americans had a new coronary heart attack, and about 470,000 had a recurrent attack. Every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event and every one minute one person will die from a heart attack. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Visit the heart organization on line source for more information:

Healthy Foods for a Healthy Lifestyle

SALMON is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to aid in the prevention of many chronic diseases including heart desease and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Top 4 Heart Healthy Foods

February is National Heart Month. Heart disease is the nations #1 killer and an underlying cause of death for 1 out of every 2.7 deaths in the United States in 2003, according to the most recent statistics. While there are plenty of foods that keep your heart beating healthy, here are a few foods at the top of our list. Use our ideas and plan to include these foods in your diet most days, for your heart:

1. Eat More Beans - include 3-4½-cup servings each week. Beans are a wonderful source of fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugars and insulin; potassium, which reduces blood pressure; folate to lower homocysteine levels (a marker of clogged arteries) and naturally contain very high amounts of antioxidants, to fight free radicals. Easy ways to get more beans in your diet:

  • Use as salad toppers
  • Substitute beans for beef in burritos
  • Use hummus (made from garbanzo beans) as a vegetable dip
  • Add colorful beans to soups, stews, chili and vegetable stirfrys

2. Go Fish - include at least two 3 oz servings per week. Fish contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which help to prevent irregular heartbeats and blood clots, reduce inflammation, and lower triglyceride levels. Easy ways to get more fish in your diet:

  • Grill salmon burgers instead of hamburgers
  • Order an entrée with fish when you eat out at a restaurant
  • Top your salad or crackers with tuna fish

3. Go Nuts - include 1 ounce of nuts each day. (1 oz is a small handful, raw nuts are best) Nuts are rich in heart healthy monounsaturated fats for lowering cholesterol, arginine, a protein that keeps your arteries from hardening, and resveratrol for heart disease prevention. Easy ways to include nuts into your diet:

  • Include a mix of cashews, walnuts, pecans and almonds as a morning or afternoon snack
  • Sprinkle sliced almonds onto your salad
  • Add walnuts to pancakes and muffins
  • Spread natural nut butters on celery, carrots and apples

4. Grandma was right, Eat Your Oats - include 1½ cups cooked oatmeal per day. With tons of fiber and phytonutrients, oats can help to lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and insulin levels and keep your blood pressure under control. Easy ways to include oats in your diet:

  • Have instant oatmeal (Kashi Heart to Heart has no transfats) and top with fresh or frozen fruit for breakfast
  • Substitute oats and oat bran for some of the flour in pancake, muffin, and cookie recipes
  • Top yogurt with low fat granola

Using herbs and spices enhances flavor without adding calories or sodium. Spices like cayenne pepper and black pepper, both included in your recipes, have been shown to help increase metabolism and aid in digestion. So put away the salt and spice things up!

Idaho ranks #1 in the U.S. for its potatoes crop, with Russet Burbank being the most popular. This starchy tuber is low in calories (a 6 ounce potato has 120 calories), high in fiber, and low in sodium. Studies show that the potato may protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The state of Wisconsin's chicken farms provide over one billion eggs each year. Healthy hair and nails are gleaned from the egg's high sulphur content, while carotenoids decrease the incidence of cataracts and macular degeneration. a leading cause of blindness.

Soybeans are one of Minnesota's top producing crops. They are cultivated for their protein-rich content and the production of oil. Of all legumes, soybeans are the most widely grown and utilized. Health benefits are believed to be many, including lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, strengthening bones, and preventing certain cancers.

South Dakota's state insect is the honeybee. Along with a number of other states, the honeybee is honored for its critical role in agriculture. This bee collects pollen and carries it to other plants during the pollination process. Human use honey fro more than just sweetener - it is often used in sore throat remedies and is also an ingredient in many cough medicines.

The dairy cattle in Tennessee are responsible for supplying the US with over 900 million pounds of milk each year. High in calcium and vitamin D, milk is also a good source of B12 and other necessary nutrients. Also in cheese, ice cream, and more, consumption of milk helps to build strength and healthy teeth.

The official drink of the Kentucky Derby is the mint julep, Mint or "mentha", serves a bigger purpose than a drink garnish. Mint was originally used to treat stomachaches and chest pains, and it has also been known to aid digestion.

Florida ranks second in the US for the production of vegetables and touts 70% of the country's total citrus crop each year. Citrus fruits are full of vitamin D, essential for bone health.

Maine leads the world when it comes to producing blue berries. These little gems are packed with antioxidants, and have a long list of health benefits. Blue berries are low in calories too! Commonly referred to as "brain berries", studies have shown they may decrease memory loss.

Served in a majority of New Mexican dishes, chile peppers play a big part in Tex-Mex cuisine. Other than adding bold and spicy flavor to meals, chile peppers are used to manage arthritis pain, headaches and more because they contain capsaicin.

Put a trainer in your pocket

Talk about the ultimate motivation for tech-savvy fitness buffs. Personalized Workout Systems (PWS) has developed an audio personal trainer you can download to your mp3 player and bring to your workout. A MP3Gym membership costs $19.95 and provides countless hours of personal training. The MP3Gym CD-ROM contains:* 192 different mp3 files (over 60 exercises);* eight preset routines;* eight illustrated routine sheets as a visual reference;* MP3Gym manual (pdf and audio versions);* personalized custom routine sheets;* more than 100,000 routine combinations;* a six-month routine subscription.Related Results

innerMod "I'm very enthusiastic about MP3Gym," says Barry Smith, PWS founder and CEO. "Now everyone with an mp3 player can have the advantages of a personal trainer without spending a fortune. With the MP3Gym, users will finally be able to take Internet and CD-ROM fitness programs beyond their computer and actually use it in the gym."For more information,

Did You Know?

2 Adults over the age of 18 should have regularscreenings for blood pressure, obesity, height and weight.

3 Women 45 years and older and men 35 years and oldershould have a cholesterol test every five years.

4 Regular cardiovascular screenings are recommended formen over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55.

5 Preventive care is key to identifying health issues.

**Check with your doctor about recommended screenings for you.**

Industry information

How Should I Choose a Pharmacist?

It's important to establish a relationship with one pharmacy so that your pharmacist has a complete history of your family's prescribed medications. A pharmacist is an important resource when it comes to making sure you and your family are getting the right medications. Complete the contact us form our staff will be happy to assist with orders or any questions.

Do all pharmacies provide the same services?

All pharmacies are required to meet minimum standards. Most, however, offer services and conveniences beyond the minimum requirements. When choosing a pharmacist, you should evaluate your needs and make a selection to meet those needs.

Once you choose a pharmacy, it is strongly recommended that you use this pharmacy for all of your prescriptions needs. This allows you to receive the greatest benefit from the screening for drug interactions by your pharmacist, since this one pharmacy has all of your prescription drug records.

Know Your Medical History.........

It's important to keep a comprehensive record of your health information nearby. In many cases, this information can help a medical professional make quicker diagnoses and decisions during an emergency, when each second counts.

Communication and being able to talk freely with your potential pharmacist is of paramount importance. The pharmacist should listen to your needs and concerns and answer any questions you may have. After you have consulted a few pharmacists you should have a good idea about which one you felt most comfortable with and who best answered your questions.

What Questions Should I Ask The Pharmacist?

A typical question is about allergies. Make sure that your pharmacist knows exactly what allergies you have and what medications you are already taking. This will help the pharmacist protect against possible drug interactions that could potentially be harmful.

Once you have received your medication, always look at it carefully before you leave the pharmacy. Read the instructions to be sure you understand how to take it. Even if the medication is a refill, check to make sure the drug is the same size and shape that you are used to receiving. If anything doesn't look right, ask.

Consider the following additional questions for your pharmacist:

  • Does this medication require special storage conditions (for example, room temperature or refrigeration)?
  • How many times a day should it be given?
  • Should it be given with food? Without food?
  • Should my child avoid certain foods (such as dairy products) when taking this medication?
  • Are there special side effects that I should look for?
  • What should I do if I notice any of these side effects?
  • Should I take special precautions, such as avoiding exposure to sunlight, when taking this medication?
  • What should I do if I skip a dose?
  • Is it OK to cut pills in half or crush them to mix into foods?

Which Tips does a Pharmacist Usually Offer?

Pharmacists usually offer the following advice:

Do not keep medicine in the medicine cabinet.The medicine cabinet in a steamy, moist bathroom is not the best place to keep any medication. The room's moisture can make medications less potent. It's best to keep medicines in a hall closet or on a high shelf in the kitchen.

What if you take the wrong dosage?Call the pharmacist or doctor right away, and follow his or her instructions.

Never repackage medications. Keep them in their original childproof containers so that you'll have the expiration date and instructions on hand.

If medications need to be refrigerated, make sure you keep them cool while traveling. Freezer packs in coolers work fine. If you can, take the entire medicine bottle. That way, you won't have any reason to forget the prescription dosage and if something happens to the medication, you can get a refill. And never mix two different drugs in the same pillbox – it is easy to get the two confused.

**Remember to keep prescription and nonprescription medications out of the reach of children.**

Toss medications when they have expired (usually 1 year for pills or sooner for liquids - check the prescription label for the expiration date) or the doctor has told you that you should stop taking them.

Though most liquid medications are now flavored, some may not be very palatable to a young child.Some medicines can be mixed with chocolate or maple syrup to encourage children to take the entire dosage. Check with your pharmacist to see what would work best with which drug. However, pharmacists discourage putting liquid medication into a bottle for babies; if they don't finish the bottle, they won't get all the medication.


Certain medications can't be taken together, so pharmacists need to know all medications (prescription and nonprescription) you are currently taking before they can administer any drug. In addition, you need to know the doses, the dosing schedules, and when the medications were taken last. You'll need to know when you last took the medication last, and how much was taken.


Record a list any known allergies your have to medications, both prescription and nonprescription. Allergic reactions to insect stings and bites and food allergies are also important to list. In many cases, allergy information will help medical personnel discover a cause for problems like seizures or difficulty breathing.

Common Problems With Medications

Some people may forget to finish their prescription. If the medication (for example, a pain medication) is to be taken "as needed for symptoms," you don't need to finish the entire prescription within a set number of days. But with prescriptions like antibiotics, the medication must be finished for it to be effective.

Throw away any old prescriptions. If you don’t finish a medication, it's not a good idea to save it for a future illness because most drugs lose their potency after 1 year. Do not use after the expiration date and talk with your doctor before taking old prescriptions.

Another common problem is the sharing of medications. Pharmacists and doctors recommend that no one take a drug prescribed for anyone else or offer prescription drugs to another person, no matter how similar the symptoms or complaints.

Writing is on the wall for doctors' e-prescriptions

By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAY

The move to get doctors to file prescriptions electronically is gathering steam and may get a further boost from new Medicare rules that give doctors money to go electronic and take it away if they don't.

What is an E-Prescription?

Q: What is an e-prescription?

A: E-prescriptions are computer-generated prescriptions created by your healthcare provider and sent directly to your pharmacy.

Q: How does e-prescribing work?

A: Instead of writing out your prescription on a piece of paper, your doctor or other health care provider enters it directly into his or her computer. Your prescription travels from your doctor or other health care provider’s computer to the pharmacy’s computer. E-prescriptions are sent electronically through a private, secure, and closed network – the Sure scripts network – so your prescription information is not sent over the open Internet or as e-mail.

Q: What are the benefits of e-prescriptions?

A: E-prescriptions are:

  • Fast - Your prescription arrives at your pharmacy before you leave your doctor’s office.
  • Convenient - You don’t have to make that extra trip to drop off your prescription at the pharmacy.
  • Legible - There is no handwriting for the pharmacist to interpret.
  • Economical - makes it easier for your doctor to prescribe the most cost effective medication based on your insurance coverage.

Q: Will my prescription be ready when I arrive at the pharmacy?

A: As an e-prescription, your prescription has a head start, arriving in the pharmacist’s computer before you leave your doctor’s office. However, this does not mean that it will always be ready when you arrive at the pharmacy. The time needed to prepare your prescription can be affected by things like the number of prescriptions in the pharmacy’s computer, how quickly you arrive at the pharmacy after your doctor’s visit, and how many people are already waiting at the pharmacy.

Q: Can my health care provider send my prescription to any pharmacy I choose?

A: Yes. More than 75% of community pharmacies in the U.S. currently accept e-prescriptions, and more are doing so every day. If you do not want your prescription sent electronically, or your pharmacy does not yet accept e-prescriptions, your health care provider will print your prescription for you.

Q: Are there laws governing the privacy of e-prescriptions?

A: The privacy of your personal health information contained in all your prescriptions, whether written or electronic, is protected by a federal law and state laws. The federal law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA requires that your personal health information be shared only for the purpose of providing you with clinical care. E-prescriptions meet this requirement.

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